Tablou JT cu 2 iesiri (1 x DY 3012) pentru 1 intreruptor tip DY 3101 (125-180-250 A) si 1 intreruptor DY 3102 (350 A) pentru posturi de transformare 160127 DY 3009/3 RO | Echipamente si materiale electrice Omologate ENEL

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Low voltage panel with 2 outputs (1 x DY 3012) for one type circuit breaker DY 3101 DY (125-180-250 A) and one type circuit breaker DY 3102 breaker (350 A) transformer 3009/3 160 127 DY 160127 DY 3009/3 RO

Low voltage panel with 2 outputs (1 x DY 3012) for one type circuit breaker DY 3101 DY (125-180-250 A) and one type circuit breaker DY 3102 breaker (350 A) transformer 3009/3 160 127 DY

DY 3009/3 RO


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